The project will enable students to undertake independent research work of their choice under the supervision of one or more members of staff. This is done in a research environment to encourage a critical approach to the collection, recording and evaluation of data.
Students are expected to:
● Identify and define a suitable area for investigation and prepare a research protocol
● Acquire techniques of literature searching and apply these to the project
● Plan experiments/make observations/critically assess the literature with the aim of contributing to the level of knowledge in the research field under investigation
● Analyse and present data and observations, and discuss these in relation to existing knowledge in the field?
● Highlight unanswered questions and areas of controversy in the research area and make suggestions for future research
● Develop skills of scientific writing, and the presentation of illustrated verbal reports using the IT skills acquired during the course
● Achieve some degree of independence in their work.
My Bachelor of Science in Genetics and Human Health final year project was a laboratory based proteomic dissertation study (Grade 77%) of Resistance and Susceptibility to Schistosome Infection in Biomphalaria glabrata.