Cell Biology


Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
● Demonstrate an understanding of integrated structure and function of the generalized eukaryotic cell.
● Set in context the energy-utilizing machinery of the cell within the concept of it as an efficient recycling factory with organized and regulated inputs and outputs.
● Identify the structures of cell organelles and their chemical constitution.
● Discuss the functions of the various cell organelles, their intercommunication and their contribution to the overall functioning of the cell.


Topics include:
● Evolution of the cell emphasizing the increasing compartmentalization.
● Assimilation of chloroplasts and mitochondria as energy converters.
● Generalized cell construction and the structure and function of organelles.
● Generalized membrane structure and the plant cell wall synthesis, construction and function.
● Transport of ions and small molecules across the plasma membrane.
● Cellular import and export of macromolecules.
● Cell junctions and communication between cells.
● Structure of the cytoskeletal constituents in relation to cellular motility and intracellular transport.
● Nuclear structure and function in terms of replication of DNA and RNA synthesis.
● Ribosome assembly and function in translation.
● The Golgi apparatus and its role in protein targeting.
● Lysosome structure and function in relation to recycling.
● Social behaviour of cells and multicellualrity.